recapitulation (week of 1/11):

my poetry chap is on sale ($2) at mondo bummer books . so - basically - you can by this chapbook or a bottle of soda - which would be unhealthy and bad and fattening.

poems at asphodel madness

more poems at reynard seifert’s hahaclever.

dhhamn. checkout reynard and his ride:

dude writes things that stickout to me

like this

and his ebook “zzzombiezzz

bb & kb have a list of tips for writing in 2010 - some of which i liked & some of which i thought were bullshit, but whatever - i read them all and liked it.

new vampire wkend blowz. what do you think?


  1. who knew reynard was such a beast


    really like "exit visit"

  2. Congrats on the chapbook. I'm really digging your poems in HaHa, the way the lines morph into and out of themselves. Word...

  3. Adam Moorad, I bought your chapbook. At first, I thought, "Why did I buy stapled pieces of paper?" But then I read them and thought, "I feel okay with paying $2.00 for these stapled pieces of paper. They are good stapled pieces of paper."
